Cloud King


Noah Grey

... In his twenties, Noah spent most of his life inside his room in his family’s home in San Antonio. Fear and anxiety shut him off from human contact. For four years he almost never met another person face to face except for members of his immediate family. When he began to venture out in 2000, with camera in hand, it was to take photos of trees, plants and a little stream that ran through a wooded area across the street from his home. His photos of landscapes and the physical world have a wonderful intimacy and simplicity that matured during that period.

When he moved to California two years later, Noah found himself confronting nature on a grander scale.

"When I saw the ocean for the first time, I felt like I’d come home," he says. "I felt that being here in California, being a part of the world, was something that I was meant to do all my life." ... full bio