Cloud King


Claudio Parentela

"I'm born in Catanzaro (1962-Italy) where I live and I work... I'm an illustrator, painter, photographer, mail artist, cartoonist, collagist, journalist... free lance... I'm active since many years in the international underground scene. I've collaborated & I collaborate with many, many zines, magazines of contemporary art, literary and of comics in Italy and in the world... & on the paper and on the web... some name amongst the many:, Braintwisting, Lo Sciacallo Elettronico, Inguine, Stripburger, Lavirint, Komikaze, The Lummox Journal, The Cherotic R(e)volutionary, Sick Puppy, Malefact,, Lamette, Chance, Lucid Moon, Que Suerte, Art Life, Pintalo De Verde, ApArte, Evasion, The Benway Institute, Phony Lid Pubblications, First Class, This Is Magazine, Diesel, Stu Magazine, Crane Magazine, Staplegun, Untergruntblatte, Head Press, Entmoot, You & Me, Rorschach, Fagorgo, B.G.A.Comix, Tracce, Prospektiva, Balkan Spirit,, Don Juan Online, Emozioni, Fatece Largo, Petrolio, Out Zine, Pssst Zine, Bolle Di Cartone, All About Fucking, Gibbering Madness, Rotkop, Anima Mal Nata, ZZZzine, Labour Of Love, Bianco D'Uovo, Bries, Ratriot, Kami Zine, Pus!, Bathtub Gin, Experimental Forest, Stardust Memories, Sunburn, Funtime Comics, Spaghetti, Plop, Topaz & Psichedelica, Joey and The Black Boots, Blind Man's Rainbow, The White Buffalo Gazzette, Lore, Lunatic, Chamelon, Rigodor, Axolotl, Luca Bonanno Editore, Succo Acido, Pitchfork, Chainsmoker, Surface, Crimson Feet, Skyline, Re:Magazine, Oyster Boy Review, Anthology, Xero Magazine, Slic, Lit Pot Press, Gumball Poetry, Mineshaft, Milk & Wodka, Yahoo Zine, Stardust Memories, CartaIgienica, Faestethic, Field Report, Out Of The Blue, Comfusion Magazine, Careful, Ellin Selae, Multistorey, Disegni Di Sogni, Omnibus, The Sound Projector, Gooch Magazine, Laugh Clown Laugh, Shift, Vial, Frior, Debilana, Cool Strip Anthology, Panik, Celulit, Pimba, Proper Gander, Container, Mammamiaquantosangue, Cikuta, Traspiratore, Gambuzine, Empty Life, Erroneo, Kalte Tage, Planeta Underground, Cabezabajo, Nexus, Criade, Love Eternal Lost Infernal, Algiza, Raven, A.K.O.M., Mutate & Survive, Angelflesh Press, Skirocore, Sirota Jerica, Zone Optimiste De Bande Dessinée, Breakfast All Day, The Brown Bottle, Crystal Drum, The Brobdingnan Time, Edgar, Il Foglio Clandestino, Microbe, New York Press, Something Else, O!!Zone, Vitriol, The Flashing Astonisher, Devil Blossoms, Contagio, The Dream Zone, Sinus, Yops Zine, Versus Press... etc... etc... and I could continue again a long time...

"During the 1999 I was guest of the BREAK 21 FESTIVAL in Ljubliana (Slovenja)...

"...My obscure & crazy artworks are present & shown in many, many art galleries in the endless web... and then again at the "GIRASOLE" (Villa Basilica), at the "TABULA RASA" (Barcelona), at the "GALERIE SLAPHANGER" (Amsterdam), at "La Casa Di Tolleranza" (Milan), at "La Cueva-No Art Gallery" (Milan), in Turin with the Association "Mind The Gap", at The "Pina Gallery" (Koper), al the "Diesel Gallery" (NY), at the "METAVERSO" (Rome), at the "Little Cakes Gallery" (NY), at the "Interzona" (Verona), at the "LIBRERIA HOEPLI" (Milan), at the "Trainside Gallery" (Haverhill, USA), at the "Scaremongering Gallery" (USA), at the "Achab" of Catania and at all the other sicilian stops of the show "SognoDiSegni", at the "Zo Café" (Bologna), at the show "Arredi Digitali" in San Benedetto Del Tronto and at the shows that GRAPHOLA has organized and continues to organize... at "Leave Your Fingerprints" organized by the friend Mimmo Manes & UBQ... and again.. and again to other... I do a lot of mail art and I participate to all the mail art projects I know...

"...I've collaborated and I collaborate with many bands of industrial music, noise, experimental & electronic, harsh & death & metal gore...punx....

"...I've illustrated poems and stories of Gavin Burrows, Harry Wilkens, Vittorio Baccelli, Claudio Morici, Alberto Rizzi, Cristiano Quadalti, Shannon Colebank, Gary Sneyd, Robert Smith, Michael Kriesel, Mark Sonnenfeld, Nathan Medema, Richard D.Houff, ...drawn together with Gianluca Costantini, Evi Athan, Marcel Herms, Kapreles...

"...for various publishers I've realized some booklets of illustrations and comics: "Il Ratto Bavoso", and "L'Incubo Dimezzato" (Innovation Studio-B.G.A.Comix-Italy); "Fashion Robot" (David Lasky-Seattle-USA), "L'Agnello Sacrificale e la Salamandra Impiccata al Pat 666" (Medicina Nucleare-Italy); "Storie" (Progetto Siderurgiko-Italy), "Eudemoni" and "Piccola Trilogia Nera'" (Poems of Alberto Rizzi and of Cristiano Quadalti with my illustrations-Criatu Prod.-Italy); "Jeanne Dark You Got Balls" and "The Frogs' Ballet" (Self-produced); "Black Kisses and Other Stories", and "The Book Of Secrets" (La Cafetiere Editions-Belgium); "Endless Tongue" (texts of Richard D.Houff and my illustrations-The Benway Institute-USA), "Else Beds" (my illustrations and poems of Nathan Medema-JesusBunny Press-Canada); "The Savage Soldier" (Luca Menichini Prod.-Italy); "Derrumbe" (my illustrations and story of Claudio Morici-Valter Casini Ed.-Italy), "Matter Ballet" (my illustrations and poems of Michael Kriesel-BoneWorld Publishing-USA), "Social Reform" (poems of Shannon Colebank and my illustrations-Whizzbanger Prod.-USA)...

"and on the web I'm present on many pages and in many places again..."

...For contacts:
88100 CATANZARO-Italy
E-Mail Address: c_parentela(at)