Cloud King


Bruno Seys

IT BEGAN IN BELGIUM and not - as commonly believed - in Africa. About 1977 years and 5 months later than Jesus Christ, Bruno "King" Seys was thrown into this world at incredible speed. The witnessing crowd was so amazed by this sensational event, that Bruno decided never to stop setting this kind of mood for as long as he could muster to breathe.

AFTER ABOUT 12 YEARS of brain-beating primary education and 6 years of creative guidance at Sint-Lucas Art Academy in Gent, the fields of Classical Languages, Advertising & Graphic Design no longer held any secrets for our young hero. King Seys was therefore awarded several diplomas and sent on his way into the world.

FOR ABOUT A YEAR, he applied his talents as a Junior Art Director for an advertising firm, but felt not the satisfaction his spirit would drive him to. Before long, he decided to follow his own way.

NOWADAYS we find Bruno as an independent illustrator & graphic designer, located in Gent / Belgium. Check out his work, his interests & the flux of his life on his "King Site"...